
School Examinations Officer,
(+357) 24 74 8343

Exam Entry Information

Almost all examination qualifications are now taken in a linear manner. This means that there is one main exam session in the Academic year when the vast majority of exams will take place. This will be in May and June each year.

Exam Syllabi list the awarding body and specification code information for subjects studied at Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) and Key stage 5 (Years 12 & 13). These are available on the individual exam board websites see the links at the bottom of this page.

Please be aware that:

  • There is one main examination session in an academic year. This is when the majority of external exams will take place. This will be in May and June. Please avoid taking any leave of absence at this time as exams cannot be delayed or postponed.
  • For A, AS, BTEC, GCSE and OCR qualifications you will need to enter all units in the qualification to be eligible to reclaim a qualification grade. The school will arrange this for you.


Access to Fair Assessment Policy
Assessment Malpractice and Maladministration Policy
Controlled Assessments Policy and Procedure
Disability Discrimination Act Policy
Equal Opportunities Policy
Exams Policy
Internal Appeals Policy
Non Examination Assessment Policy
Special consideration Policy
Use of Word Processors Policy

Result issue dates

Results will be published on the dates shown below. During term time, these results will be issued to you via your form tutor in your registration period. In the summer, the school will be open for you to collect results. More information about this will be provided nearer the time as arrangements are finalised.

Examination Session Results Issue
AS/A level 15th August 2024
GCSE 21st August 2024

Guidance for Parents and Students

Exam Guidance for Parents and Students

Collection Form – Exam results

Information for candidates

Information for candidates – written exams

Information for candidates – social media

Information for candidates – Privacy Notice

Information for candidates – on screen tests

Information for candidates – non-examination assessments

Information for candidates – coursework assessments