

  King Richard School aims to provide an environment which enables and encourages all members of the community to reach out for excellence. For students to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that students attend school as ...

Careers Education

King Richard School are committed to delivering the highest quality careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) to all students form year 7 through to year 13, ensuring that all students have exposure to the best opportunities available...


Today’s pupils are growing up in an increasingly complex world, living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also produces challenges and risks. At KRS we want to e...


School Examinations Officer , T: (+357) 24 74 8343 Exam Entry Information Almost all examination qualifications are now taken in a linear manner. This means that there is one main exam session in the Academic year when the vast majority of exams...

Extra Curricular Activity

King Richard School offers a rich extra curricular programme to enhance day to day learning that takes place in the classroom. This ranges from residential visits to other countries, student exchanges, visits in Cyprus to historic sites, Model United...


We offer a range of food and drink products in our tuck shop. All food is freshly prepared on the premises each day. The tuck shop also takes orders and can therefore make sandwiches that cater for individual needs. There are two main times that...


We understand how important it is for there to be excellent communication between school and home. We use our website, Facebook and our parental text service as well as emails and our termly magazine. If there is any information that you need and cannot...


KS4 Results % Attaining 2019 2022   Students that enter EBacc  54% Destinations  100% Sixth Form Attainment/Progress +0.23 Attainment 8 54.63 60.27 Students staying in education af...

School Transport

Over the past year or so BFC has invested heavily in making safe walking routes to school with the result that all the students living in Dhekelia now walk to and from school each day. There are buses each day for all of our students who live in Ayios...

Special Educational Needs


Support Videos

School Promotion Video Anti-bullying: working together around the world Deployment: building resilience with children and young people Service children on the move 1: introduction Service children on the move 2: mitigating effect...

Typical Day

08.00 Assembly/Registration* 08.15 Lesson 1 09.15 Lesson 2 10.15 Break 10.35 Lesson 3 11.35 Lesson 4 12.35 Break 13.00 Lesson 5 14.00 Main school day finishes 14.00 First school buses leave to Ayios Nikolaos/Nicosia...


King Richard Schools serves the needs of secondary age children in British Forces Cyprus. We understand that service children may only be with us for a short period of time and for this reason we have ensured that our uniform is significantly cheaper...

Wellbeing & Safeguarding

It is the primary responsibility of the school to ensure systems are in place to promote and support the health and wellbeing of students when at school or involved in school activities. Learning and wellbeing are inextricably linked – students learn b...

Term Dates

School Calendar 2024-2025 School Calendar 2025-2026 Autumn term 2024 First day of term: Wednesday 4th September Half term: Monday 28th October to Monday 4th November Re-open: Tuesday 5th November Last day of term: Friday 20th December...