KRS provision for the More Able
At King Richard School, we are committed to challenge for all pupils in an environment that
is secure, caring and learning focused. We have in place a broad curriculum, enhanced by
opportunities that provide pupils with the skills to become independent and confident thinkers
and learners, equipped to meet continuing challenge and change.
We will always look for talents in all pupils, seeking to provide the enhanced opportunities
appropriate to their needs. This will be through the taught curriculum as well as extracurricular opportunities.
The school’s More Able Co-ordinator is Mr Chris Thomas.
Our provision:
We provide a broad curriculum across all Key Stages that can be accessed by all, regardless
of ability across a range of subjects. Teacher assessment of learning and achievement, we
identify pupils who are working beyond the expected standard and those that have the
potential to exceed. These children are then provided with extension for learning,
which can include:
• Deepening learning
• Developing higher order thinking skills and concepts
• Access to a broader range of texts or other stimuli;
• Opportunities for links to work outside curriculum;
• Differentiated materials/activities within the curriculum area;
• Working in partnership with wider school community and beyond
• Working in partnership with other schools on island to provide enrichment opportunities
where pupils from different schools work together
• Ensuring there is a breadth and depth of opportunity that allows pupils to develop abilities
and talents.
All staff share responsibility for ensuring that students are happy, motivated and achieve to
the best of their abilities while they are at King Richard School.
We are currently a member of NACE, which is The National Association of Able Children in
Education. We have achieved the NACE Challenge Award in recognition of the quality of our
work with all learners and especially the More Able. The NACE Challenge Award is
recognised by external bodies, such as Ofsted, as a mark of quality provision.
Information for parents – Please clink on link