“Health and Social Care is a subject designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for further study and work in the health and social care sector by looking into key areas such as legislation changes, barriers that people in society may face, major life changes and their effects on people’s self-esteem. Health and Social Care fuses the practical and the theoretical aspects of a constantly developing and expanding area of employment”

Level 2 BTEC Health and Social Care (Key Stage 4)
Curriculum Map:
Component 1: Human Lifespan Development (assessed by 6 hours of externally set monitored tasks)
Component 2: Health and Social Care Services and Values (assessed by 6 hours of externally set monitored tasks)
Component 3: Health and Wellbeing (assessed by a 2 hour externally set written exam)
Year 10 Level 2 BTEC Health and Social Care

Year 11 Level 2 BTEC Health and Social Care

Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care (Key Stage 5)
Autumn TermUnit 1: Human Lifestyle Development (Exam)
Spring TermUnit 1: Human Lifestyle Development (Completion of Unit and Exam) Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care Needs (Assignment Work)
Summer Term
Year 13 Level 3 BTEC Health and Social Care
Autumn Term
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care (Exam)
Spring Term
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care (Revision and Exam) Unit 10: Sociological Perspectives (Assignment Work)
Summer Term
Unit 10: Sociological Perspectives (Completion of Assignments)
Useful Resources: