Year 10
Maths 8 |
Eng 8 |
Sci 10 |
PE 3 |
PSHE 1 |
Option Group A 5 |
Option Group B 5 |
Option Group C 5 |
Option Group D 5 |
Year 10 overall lesson distribution
Year 10 is the first year of the students’ preparation for the Level 2 examinations. It is a very important year when firm foundations are set and during which course work in many subjects is started. Courses in Science, Maths, Modern Languages, Business Studies, ICT, Sport, Food Technology, Textiles, Art and D&T begin and the examinations taken in these subjects count towards the final grade.
The option blocks are created each new Academic Year around student preferences. For full details please refer to our options booklet.
The curriculum is based around the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. The remainder of the curriculum consists of the subjects chosen by students during Year 9. PSHE is taught, as in other years, as a combination of lessons during tutor time in addition where possible, two weekly lessons in which Philosophy and Beliefs and Citizenship is taught. Some students taking extra subjects may receive fewer weekly lessons.
Year 11
Maths 8 |
Eng 8 |
Sci 10 |
PE 3 |
Option Group A 5 |
Option Group B 5 |
Option Group C 5 |
Option Group D 5 |
Year 11 overall lesson distribution
Year 11 is the final year of the students’ Key Stage 4 studies. It is a busy and very important year in which students will take public examinations in May and June in all of their Level 2 subjects. During Year 11 students continue to follow the core subjects – English, Mathematics and Science as well as their option subjects which include the following subjects: Geography History, Business Studies, Art and Design, Music, Design Technology, P.E., ICT and Citizenship or RE.
The option blocks are created each new Academic Year around student preferences. For full details please refer to our options booklet.
Typical student timetable Key Stage 4
Week One
Mon1:Reg Registration GB |
Tue1:Reg Registration GB |
Wed1:Reg Registration GB |
Thu1:Reg Registration GB |
Fri1:Reg Registration GB |
Mon1:1 Maths SD |
Tue1:1 Business Studies |
Wed1:1 Maths SD |
Thu1:1 Food Technology EA |
Fri1:1 English JPU |
Mon1:2 Science IP |
Tue1:2 Business Studies |
Wed1:2 Science IP |
Thu1:2 Food Technology EA |
Fri1:2 Religous Education CD |
Mon1:3 Geography GB |
Tue1:3 English JPU |
Wed1:3 English JPU |
Thu1:3 Science IP |
Fri1:3 Maths SD |
Mon1:4 Geography GB |
Tue1:4 Science AG |
Wed1:4 Geography GB |
Thu1:4 English JPU |
Fri1:4 Science AG |
Mon1:5 Computing RMU |
Tue1:5 Physical Education CTH |
Wed1:5 Computing RMU |
Thu1:5 Business Studies |
Fri1:5 Physical Education CTU |
Week Two
Mon2:Reg Registration GB |
Tue2:Reg Registration GB |
Wed2:Reg Registration GB |
Thu2:Reg Registration GB |
Fri2:Reg Registration GB |
Mon2:1 Computing RMU |
Tue2:1 Geography GB |
Wed2:1 English JPU |
Thu2:1 English JPU |
Fri2:1 Science SR |
Mon2:2 Maths SD |
Tue2:2 Geography GB |
Wed2:2 Maths SD |
Thu2:2 Maths SD |
Fri2:2 English JPU |
Mon2:3 English JPU |
Tue2:3 Science SR |
Wed2:3 Science SR |
Thu2:3 Food Technology EA |
Fri2:3 Business Studies |
Mon2:4 Science AG |
Tue2:4 Maths SD |
Wed2:4 Science IP |
Thu2:4 Food Technology EA |
Fri2:4 Business Studies |
Mon2:5 Food Technology SR |
Tue2:5 Physical Education RMI |
Wed2:5 Religious Education CD |
Thu2:5 Computing RMU |
Fri2:5 Physical Education CTU |