The curriculum at King Richard School is logical, well sequenced, contextually relevant and provides our students with the skills and knowledge they need to move on to aspirant next steps.
Whilst preparing them well for external examinations the curriculum remains broad and addresses gaps brought about by a range of factors such as mobility. Teaching prepares students to pay an active part in their local community and also for their return to UK. The curriculum provides challenge in a supportive environment and almost all students have the opportunity to study the EBacc. All students are challenged appropriately and allows students to build on skills and knowledge they have learned and acquired previously. We are ambitious for all our pupils and this is reflected in our curriculum offer. All subjects have clear intents for their teaching and this is supported day to day through the implementation of Schemes of Work that offer students the opportunity to explore the subject intents. Where possible the curriculum supports work for a real purpose and assessment builds on learning from lessons. In short, our curriculum prepares our students to be positive and informed citizens of the myriad communities they serve.
Years 7-9
On entry to King Richard School students are placed in a mixed ability tutor group. For the majority of their lessons they are taught in such groups, but in the core subjects of Maths and English, learners are set according to ability.
Key Stage 3
Years 10 and 11
We offer a more personalised curriculum at key stage 4 enabling everyone to find the combination of courses which complements their interests and talents. The curriculum at Key Stage 4 is more personalised ensuring that all our students have access to a range of courses that best suits their individual needs and provide encouragement to continue their education beyond the age of 16. Our learners have the opportunity to choose from a range courses and are able to access the advice of the independent careers adviser to assist in their choices.
Key Stage 4
Sixth Form
For a small school King Richard is able to offer a wide range of courses to include ‘level 3 subjects (A levels AS and BTECs), level 2 (GCSE equivalent) BTEC courses in Health and Social Care and Public Services, English and Maths GCSE resits as well as a range of NVQs in partnership with Vocational Training Qualifications (VTQ) on the station. We try to be as flexible as possible allowing students to choose any mixture courses that are appropriate for them. This will be determined in an interview with parents, students, head of sixth form and our independent careers adviser.
Key Stage 5