At King Richard School we believe that pupils should be given a wide range of opportunities to develop and practise leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school.
The PLT embody our core values of Excellence, Learning and Leadership. They go through a rigorous selection process that involves written application and interview by a panel including the Heads of House. This process ensures that they are excellent ambassadors for the school.
They are the vital link between staff and pupils and have a major role in representing the views and wishes of the students.
We are tremendously proud of their friendliness, determination and commitment to our school community. Their role is wide ranging as they aim to improve the quality of learning and teaching in the classroom, support the school’s aim to be a place where everyone enjoys learning and to find ways of improving students’ experiences at KRS.
Recent PLT activities have included working with outside agencies on bullying awareness and advice; help on deciding school infrastructure projects; interviewing teacher (and Headteacher) candidates; leading on assemblies; charity projects and gathering pupil voice on a wide range of issues.
As members of the PLT, pupils are given the opportunity to develop a range of skills. They are required to work both independently and as part of a team, to use their communication skills and to develop leadership skills to enable them to flourish in the future.
We wish all members of the PLT success and enjoyment in their role this year.
Aims of our Pupil Leadership Team programme
- To empower pupils to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals.
- To enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, skills and sense of fun that pupils bring.
- To provide opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on learning, teaching and well-being for both pupils and staff at St. John’s and King Richard Schools School.
- To prepare pupils for Higher Education and for achieving personal and professional excellence in life after formal education.
Wider Pupil Leadership Opportunities on offer
- Pupil Leadership: every pupil at KRS is entitled to have their voice heard. The whole pupil body will be responsible for electing representatives, using this channel to raise areas for discussion and for hearing, and abiding by, the outcomes. The PLT provides a forum where representatives from all year groups raise, discuss and propose resolutions about issues which are important to the pupils they represent. The process of electing representatives, drawing up agendas and convening meetings will model good democratic practice. PLT meetings will provide opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles. PLT representatives are responsible for gathering information from the pupils they represent and for feeding back after meetings. The PLT has the right to initiate meetings with or invite advisors (staff or pupil groups) to meetings.
- Pupil Co- Creators: pupils, in a selection of subject areas and tutor groups co-plan lessons or learning strategies with teachers. When am I at my best? Lesson planning: What shall we keep from our last unit? Feedback on new assessment: What could be better? How can we do this?
- Pupil Researchers: pupils, after careful selection and training in certain subject areas, research a topic that impacts the school community e.g. e-safety. Qualitative and quantities research methods must be ethical and accurate representations. Research findings may be fed back to SLT, departments, Governors plus relevant staff and pupils, as appropriate.
- Pupil Interviewers: pupils, after careful selection following an application, short listing and interview process, are trained to form an interview panel for externally advertised posts. Their feedback to the staff interview panel provides part of the selection process, alongside the range of recruitment procedures.
- Charity Leaders: volunteer pupils join a year group charity team, selecting a local and national charity to support and raise funds for, as well as fundraising for key school events such as residential visits.